Joker (2019) – Todd Phillips
Entrancing eye-mouth opener commercial film, widely deep cleaning it´s tired subject matter into something wilder stunning the soul free for a burning new world.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) – David Fincher
It honors the original by keeping it Swedish all the way including blurry accents that can´t stop its long force of satisfactory texture-layer brilliance.
Cure (1997) – Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Subtly striving for the viewer’s attention is rewarded with hypnotic disturbing discomfort.
This film creates a unique chemistry of sound and silence, control and terror.
Spotlight (2015) – Tom McCarthy
Polished but razorsharp journalism warfare of a fresh millennium; digging for (un)holy truths of untouchable legacies.
A documentary-like disclosure featuring actors vanishing in spotlight.
Lost (2004-2010) – J.J Abrams
Season one is condescendingly sexy in a poor man’s Hollywood/Holloway sort of way while sometimes delivering quality twists provided one’s disbelief gets suspended enough.
The Gray Man (2022) – The Russo Brothers
Woven together from hallmarks of various action franchises. Popcorn for the eyes, but gnawing hunger for the movie enthusiast.
A visual testament to Netflix’ budget nowadays.
Good Time (2017) – Benny Safdie, John Safdie
Tainted shades flutter through this NY-based fever dream, filled with real people in realistic situations, doing the best and the worst for each other.
Crimson Tide (1995) – Tony Scott
Locked in a claustrophobic tea kettle, witnessing the boiling point of seasoned people pushing their morals against each other.
Hackman & Washington in superb opposition.
The Power of the Dog (2021) – Jane Campion
Barking dogs don’t bite, but conceal their fragile masculinity under thick hides.
This psychological exposé intersects power’s balance with sharp angles and a descending score.
I Saw The Devil (2010) – Kim Jee-woon
A refreshing but maniacally twisted tale of becoming the predator of what lurks in the night‘s shadow.
Where does vengeance end, where does malevolence begin?
The Chaser (2008) – Na Hong-jin
A suspenseful gatekeeper for Seoul‘s crime rabbit hole – with a dynamic that is second to none.
Unconventional and arrogant necessities clear the path to deliverance.
Memories of Murder (2003) – Bong Joon Ho
Macabre true crime mixed with hilarious character representation?
This richly detailed and beautifully crafted closer look of 20th‘s century’s korean detective work pulls it off.
Se7en (1995) – David Fincher
Tall, biblical thriller that out-of-the-box polishes and replenishes audiovisual standards up to a stern point of absurdity where nothing ends before pain.
The Bourne Identity (2002) – Doug Liman
A headhunt through early 2000‘s Europe, which shines in a blue-grey velocity and shows how good a minimalistic & realistic action movie can be.
What Happened To Monday (2017) – Tommy Wirkola
Dystopian human-world drama with a very unique but realistic setting.
Damocles’ sword, who’s right and wrong, hangs above people’s heads and on their throats.
Fight Club (1999) – David Fincher
Childless & sleepless, guy asks mirror, “What’s it all about, Alpha? Is it just for Ikea I live?” Mirror answers: “Oil & water mix explosively.”
Gone Girl (2014) – David Fincher
Konventioneller Auftakt mit unwohlbringender Spannung.
Halbfinale symbolisiert vollzogene 180 Grad welche bei 360 alternative Extrarunde drehen könnte wenn Abspann nicht wäre.
“Don’t piss her off.”
The Game (1997) – David Fincher
A Fincher twister that redefines the Thriller genre and all the limiting expectations that comes with it. Both way ahead, and before of its time.
Unbreakable (2000) – M. Night Shyamalan
Sehr realistische Comic-Verfilmung.
Was wäre wenn Superman sich seiner Kräfte unbewusst wäre?
Langsam wachsend mit Tiefgang.
Dazu noch in 2000 vor dem Comicfilm-Boom!
Zodiac (2007) – David Fincher
Fincher kehrt zurück mit diesem unter die Haut gehenden, überlangem Thriller über einen Serienkiller.
Einer der längsten, spannendsten Ermittlungen der Geschichte bis zum letzten „Augenblick.“
The Fan (1996) – Tony Scott
Riveting thriller with a pretty good coverage of superstition and the many types of obsessions that come with it. A summer blockbuster made to last.