(T)RUSTY (? – 2021)
A quick study Marilyn Monroe chicken who briefly rubbed everyone´s “Hühnerherz” in the rightest of chock-full-of-charm ways with graciously grave, feathered dignity.
Kiefer Taking a Picture of a Polaroid of a Chicken – The Sandino Chronicles
The great metamorphosis into absurdity near-actualised, a bandana wielding maniac descends into frantic study into the psyche of the bird. It´s our only hope.
Fuck it. Why not? – The Sandino Chronicles
Just incase you wanted to know what it’s like here,
There’s a chicken camera projected on a TV in the living room.
Welcome to Sandino.
Sandino World Improvement Network
Friendly stoner viking on the couch. 24/7 chicken cam. Magical sausage factory with extraordinary carpets and a few too many volcano bongs. Return flights recommended.
Sandino World Improvement Network – Berlin, Germany
A hostel run by a bunch of woke, very loveable social introverts and a viking cook. Love and good vibes all ’round…and beautiful chickens.
Sandino World Improvement Network – Berlin
Lovely alternative place to sleep, socialize or just be.
The puzzled together-like atmosphere, the friendly people and especially the chicken create an urban heaven!