Spiderland (1991) – Slint
Dry up to caustic but full of silver guts bravado and true no-nonsense resuscitation that domestically questions everything that´s drowning in its quarrel-lake.
Silent Hill 3 OST (2003) – Akira Yamaoka
Distressing sound corridors under a rainy post-rock ambience, passing gloomy funeral sirens into it’s wrinkling abyss of cold finality.
Visual dark rock, very unexpected.
Brutus (13.5.19) MTC Köln
Ausverkauftes MTC = Enges Beisammensein.
Die Belgier mit Sänger/ Drummer Frontfrau plus Roh- und Powerfaktor, konnten den Untergrund für gut eine Stunde zum Dampfen bringen.
‚Fast Worms‘ (2016) Intronaut – The Direction Of Last Things
Cascading Palm Mute verses, alluvial choruses in elegant lead waves.
After this ebb/ flow a soothing „Gimme Shelter“ vibe bridge flows into the exhilarating end.
The Ocean – Phanerozoic I (2018)
Albums like a bad drug trip where you are witnessing the birth of planets…
Phanerozoic comes close an epic meltdown of fear and seismic outbreaks.