The Sopranos (1999 – 2007) – David Chase
When good casting goes in the right direction, multiple perfection chemically compounds into an
earthquake that enables entire oceans of televised series to rise up.
Colosseum – Rome, Italy
Entertained? Sure: I couldn’t possibly be more inter-stained by the thick glory of a 2000-year old ruin that drools dreams of dormant brawls.
Simply Market – Rome, Italy
Simply & sickly bereft. Zombie apocalypse jokes? Simple to make from the outside, but no doubt a nightmare for those gladiators about to be engulfed.
Squisito Cook – Rome, Italy
In the shadow of the valley of shit: mannerless gouching of tourist-gore that kills all buzzes from all over the world. Shame in you.
Fernet Branca Distillery – Milan, Italy
Spontaner Besuch in Mailands alkoholischer Hochburg. Ein netter älterer Herr führte uns durch das würzige Allerheiligste und obendrein gab es noch Goodies (Postkarten, Gläser, Shirts).
Laguna Coil EP (1998) Laguna Coil – Century Media Records
90‘s Gothic-Metal swamp: these Italians were looking for their own sound while combining gloomy alternative vibes with Christina’s – not yet fully realised – voice potential.