The Pandemic Special (2020) – South Park
Only a real life pandemic-craze of biblical proportions could stop the world long and deeply enough to let South Park truly be funny again.
Creepshow 2 (1987) – Michael Gornick
Good times horror flick for the underworld-savvy Rock ’n’ Roll pre-teen that has a gluttonous taste for graphically warned sex and the macabre.
Spider-Man 90s Series (1993-98)
Eine der einflussreichsten Comicheldenadaption welche immense Wirkung auf folgende Comics und Verfilmungen hat.
Spidey war davor wie auch danach (für mich) nie wieder so authentisch.
The Ren & Stimpy Show (1991-1996)
Pioneering-gross, weird and wonderful. Perfect for adults who grew up with Tom & Jerry, Tex Avery, Film Noir, the Rat Pack and classical music.
The Wall (1982) – Alan Parker
Majestic musical giving sound and picture to the specific traumas of growing up in a walled-in society and carrying it everywhere like a disease.
Welcome to the Machine (1977) – Gerald Scarf
Now we know where all that elevator blood in The Shining (1980) was coming from. A barrage of depressing thoughts inspiringly hand-drawn into hysteria.
Rosebud (1993) The Simpsons: (05×04) – Wesley Archer
Incontrovertible argument in incredible 20-minute “Citizen Kane”-nod form, permanently proving the fabled “golden age of Simpsons episodes” to be a very real thing.
Heavy Metal (1981) – Gerald Potterton
Fantastic hand-drawn animation that floods the viewer with imagination while drowning itself dry with the classic form and purpose of an anthological rollercoaster ride.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) – Bob Persichetti
Sonys erfolgreicher Versuch ein neues Universum zu erschaffen, welches frische Optik dank Cell-Shade Grafik und nie verfilmte Charaktere hervorbringt. Comicnerds hoffen auf weitere Glanztaten…
Todd Macfarlene‘s Spawn (1997-1999)
Gory expansion pack to those who’s optical curiosity was originally aroused by the likes of “Do the Evolution” or “Follow the Leader” music videos respectively.
Prehistoric Ice Man (1999) South Park: (02×18) – Trey Parker & Matt Stone
Hilarious comedy premised on the ridiculous amount of cultural changes happening in the late nineties in a world looking back to a century gone by.
Death Note (2006)
37-teilige Sternstunde eines finsteren Animes. Großes Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist dass der Antagonist Protagonist ist. Detektivkrimi um psychologischem Kampf zweier Genies und Spannung welche Seite gewinnt.
Bushworld Adventures (2018) – Rick & Morty
Alternative Realität wo Rick mit manischen Tendenzen ein sinnfreies „Abenteuer“ anstrebt während Morty mit egalitärer Passivität ins offene, ahnungslose Ende folgt. Ein Spiegel unserer Gesellschaft.