Leaving Las Vegas (1995) – Mike Figgis
Shue deeps her toes into cinematic greatness in an emotionally productive codependent-relationship with a very fine Nicolas Cage who gently escorts her around hell.
Leaving Las Vegas (1995) -Mike Figgis
Suicide is not painless, and drinking yourself to death has got to be one of the worst ways to check out of this world affair.
Březňák Pils – Czech Beer
Czech beer is the gateway to all voluntary trouble like this sinister looking man glaring back while waiting for the slipped roofie to take effect.
Holsten Pilsener – German Beer
The slightly bitter taste of cold, windy summer days at sea under a sunshine that squints the eyes and gently burns the brow with stupor.
Oettinger Export – German Beer
Oettinger Export and its dreaded social stigma that can only be remedied by complete geographical self-removal and taking a quick swim in international waters.
Radiologyhead – Ok, Computertomography 1st drunk review.
‚Ok, Computertomography‘
by Radiologyhead (Bonn, Germany)
With songs like ‚Paranoid Patient‘, ‚Every organ in its right Place’, ‚Pharma Police‘, ‚MRT Dreaming‘ & the Übersong ,Sleep‘!
Ardbeg 10 years – Islay Single Malt
Das beerensüße Herzblut im tiefen torfigen Islay umhüllt Anfänger sowie Genießer in sein weiches Nebelbett.
Alkoholisches und dekadentes Pendant zum lang anhaltenden Verlangen nach Chips.
Tyskie Pils – Polish Beer
Good ole´ Polish “Piwo” and its aggressive edge full of complex tests for strength of build and character coming out of an engrained cheerful bitterness.
Wake in Fright (1971) – Ted Kotcheff
Very impressive, anti-heroic Australian blue-flame of a unique film that is as intense, raw and real as Kangaroo carcasses frying in the bush.
Miller’s Crossing (1990) – The Coen Brothers
Drinking is no lubricant but a lifestyle. A hat is not an object but a character that wears you on while you try staying lubricated.
Days of Wine and Roses (1962) – Blake Edwards
Always soul crushing to see a grown man sob like a silver child in a fairytale world where alcohol turns back into heroin every midnight.
Modern Drunkard Magazine – 25-WR Websites
The site has a lot good creative energy that glows through preserved jam jars of ideal writing and graphic design. Affirmation for the solitary imbiber.
Lübzer Pils – German Beer
Brewed in a somewhat hidden town where an ancient tower pinches the star-saturated summer night while cutting crises past, present and future in half.
Withnail & I (1987) – Bruce Robinson
Here´s where you write. Delete this text to set the Word Count to back to zero but do make sure you stay between the signs.
Falkenfelser Pilsener – German Beer
Not as hard to find as the Maltese Falcon (1941) but it does fly off the radar of memory when not consumed or seen habitually.
Fernet Branca Distillery – Milan, Italy
Spontaner Besuch in Mailands alkoholischer Hochburg. Ein netter älterer Herr führte uns durch das würzige Allerheiligste und obendrein gab es noch Goodies (Postkarten, Gläser, Shirts).
Schultheiss Pilsener – German Beer
Strange to consume a product not trying to get the buyer with sex appeal but by applying peer pressure from a secret society member recruiter.
Days of Wine and Roses (1962) – Blake Edwards
The pitiful side of alcoholism and the black & white big road of fun that takes one there. Large caliber acting in a tremendous film.
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) – Mike Nichols
A gasoline marriage waiting for a young match to come and share their social lubricant. Venomous but loving wit that’s wet with shades of grey.
Stara Cervisia Shankbier – German Beer
If you’re going to shank someone out of prison better do it with a knife instead—for this beer wrongs nobody but itself with shyness.
Pacific Brace Shiraz/Cabernet Sauvignon (Year?) – Red Wine
Laminated with ruby resolutions of grandeur, veiled with a screw-capped scrawny price…but don‘t be fooled: this is quality wine.
Poor man’s daily Ambrosia.
Budweiser Lager – Czech Beer
If American Budweiser is like mating in a canoe, then Czech Budweiser is like the Virgin Mary getting impregnated by the fingering hand of god.
Gilden – Kölsch
It delineates itself with self-gilded claims of under-priced excellence out of the proud oceanic pastures of German beer and its default benchmarking mechanism.
Ur-Kostitzer Pilsner – German Beer
Another round of these heavy-herbies would be too much asking from an arrogant looking Swedish king who no doubt was a closet manic depressive.
Beck’s – German Beer
Germany‘s own Heineken. It floats cocky and everlasting in the international waters of normal beer where a very low consumption temperature is the great equalizer.
Rostocker Pils – German Beer
A liquid copilot that happens to be a good listener and is also noble at heart despite its uncelebrated lineage and obscure shield of arms.