What This Is
[25-WR] Self-policing pain in the ass by design that’s addictive once text-fire gets caught and used to burn the bullshit we all carry around. [25-WR]
[25-WR] Self-policing pain in the ass by design that’s addictive once text-fire gets caught and used to burn the bullshit we all carry around. [25-WR]
[25-WR] The great metamorphosis into absurdity near-actualised, a bandana wielding maniac descends into frantic study into the psyche of the bird. It´s our only hope. [25-WR]
[25-WR] Pride doesn´t let me be anymore, I’ve wasted enough life with mine. I’m calling you. Feel free to fume because I’m letting my shit go. [25-WR]
[25-WR] To spread itself beyond everything that‘s false and half-done, like ego itself which is nothing more than a joke on the slowest among us. [25-WR]
[25-WR] The camera focusez mostly on the “Boy” who’z “script” describez hiz harrowing encounter w/ evangelical “Converzhion Therapy for Gayz”. The camera “Erasez” hiz erroneous parents. [25-WR]
[25-WR] Childless & sleepless, guy asks mirror, “What’s it all about, Alpha? Is it just for Ikea I live?” Mirror answers: “Oil & water mix explosively.” [25-WR]
[25-WR] Few people truly dig his musical stylings. Most who try succeed only in short spurts while finding him dry like he’s a sandwich without spread. [25-WR]
[25-WR] The core of the whole Paul Mccartney problem is that he’s been sober his whole life and didn’t die when the cosmic timing was right. [25-WR]
[25-WR] The Future: a creative room that’s sacredly cemented in every present that you own inside. Real is what you want, not what knocks you down. [25-WR]
[25-WR] All gimmicks are truisms, and all truisms are true. A truly messed up kid portrayed as perfectly as a veteran Shakespearean hand playing a glove. [25-WR]